
expect fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin



Hidden since 1.4

Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin


expect fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int(source)


Hidden since 1.4

Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin

actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin


actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int(source)


Hidden since 1.4

Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin

@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun ByteArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun ShortArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun IntArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun LongArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun FloatArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun DoubleArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun BooleanArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
@JvmName(name = "contentHashCodeNullable")
actual inline fun CharArray?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin


actual inline fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun ByteArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun ShortArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun IntArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun LongArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun FloatArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun DoubleArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun BooleanArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)
actual inline fun CharArray.contentHashCode(): Int(source)


Hidden since 1.4

Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin

actual fun <T> Array<out T>?.contentHashCode(): Int(source)

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin


actual fun <T> Array<out T>.contentHashCode(): Int(source)


Hidden since 1.4

Use Kotlin compiler 1.4 to avoid deprecation warning.

Returns a hash code based on the contents of this array as if it is List.

Since Kotlin
