
This annotation indicates what exceptions should be declared by a function when compiled to a platform method in Kotlin/JVM and Kotlin/Native.

Since Kotlin

actual typealias Throws = kotlin.jvm.Throws(source)

This annotation indicates what exceptions should be declared by a function when compiled to a JVM method.


fun readFile(name: String): String {...}

will be translated to

String readFile(String name) throws IOException {...}

Since Kotlin

actual annotation class Throws(val exceptionClasses: KClass<out Throwable>)(source)

This annotation indicates what exceptions should be declared by a function when compiled to a platform method.

When compiling to Objective-C/Swift framework, non-suspend functions having or inheriting this annotation are represented as NSError*-producing methods in Objective-C and as throws methods in Swift. Representations for suspend functions always have NSError*/Error parameter in completion handler

When Kotlin function called from Swift/Objective-C code throws an exception which is an instance of one of the exceptionClasses or their subclasses, it is propagated as NSError. Other Kotlin exceptions reaching Swift/Objective-C are considered unhandled and cause program termination.

Note: suspend functions without @Throws propagate only kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException as NSError. Non-suspend functions without @Throws don't propagate Kotlin exceptions at all.

Since Kotlin



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expect val exceptionClasses: Array<out KClass<out Throwable>>

the list of checked exception classes that may be thrown by the function.

Since Kotlin 1.4
actual val exceptionClasses: Array<out KClass<out Throwable>>

the list of checked exception classes that may be thrown by the function.

Since Kotlin 1.4