
abstract external class SourceBufferList : EventTarget(source)

Exposes the JavaScript SourceBufferList to Kotlin

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open val length: Int
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open var onaddsourcebuffer: (Event) -> dynamic?
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open var onremovesourcebuffer: (Event) -> dynamic?
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fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
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inline operator fun SourceBufferList.get(index: Int): SourceBuffer?
Since Kotlin 1.1
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fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.1