
Since Kotlin


Since Kotlin



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const val MAX_CODE_POINT: Int

The maximum value of a Unicode code point. Kotlin/Native specific.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDBFF'

The maximum value of a Unicode high-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MAX_HIGH_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDBFF'

The maximum value of a Unicode high-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MAX_LOW_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDFFF'

The maximum value of a Unicode low-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MAX_LOW_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDFFF'

The maximum value of a Unicode low-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MAX_RADIX: Int = 36

The maximum radix available for conversion to and from strings.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MAX_SURROGATE: Char

The maximum value of a Unicode surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MAX_SURROGATE: Char

The maximum value of a Unicode surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MAX_VALUE: Char = '\uFFFF'

The maximum value of a character code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
const val MAX_VALUE: Char = '\uFFFF'

The maximum value of a character code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_CODE_POINT: Int = 0

The minimum value of a Unicode code point. Kotlin/Native specific.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE: Char = '\uD800'

The minimum value of a Unicode high-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MIN_HIGH_SURROGATE: Char = '\uD800'

The minimum value of a Unicode high-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_LOW_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDC00'

The minimum value of a Unicode low-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MIN_LOW_SURROGATE: Char = '\uDC00'

The minimum value of a Unicode low-surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_RADIX: Int = 2

The minimum radix available for conversion to and from strings.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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The minimum value of a supplementary code point, \u0x10000. Kotlin/Native specific.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_SURROGATE: Char

The minimum value of a Unicode surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.0
const val MIN_SURROGATE: Char

The minimum value of a Unicode surrogate code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val MIN_VALUE: Char = '\u0000'

The minimum value of a character code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
const val MIN_VALUE: Char = '\u0000'

The minimum value of a character code unit.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val SIZE_BITS: Int = 16

The number of bits used to represent a Char in a binary form.

Since Kotlin 1.3
const val SIZE_BITS: Int = 16

The number of bits used to represent a Char in a binary form.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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const val SIZE_BYTES: Int = 2

The number of bytes used to represent a Char in a binary form.

Since Kotlin 1.3
const val SIZE_BYTES: Int = 2

The number of bytes used to represent a Char in a binary form.

Since Kotlin 1.3


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Checks if the codepoint specified is a supplementary codepoint or not.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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Since Kotlin 1.3
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Converts the codepoint specified to a char array. If the codepoint is not supplementary, the method will return an array with one element otherwise it will return an array A with a high surrogate in A0 and a low surrogate in A1.

Since Kotlin 1.3
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Converts a surrogate pair to a unicode code point. Doesn't validate that the characters are a valid surrogate pair.

Since Kotlin 1.3