Package-level declarations

API for representing Duration values and experimental API for measuring time intervals.

API for representing Duration values and experimental API for measuring time intervals.

API for representing Duration values and experimental API for measuring time intervals.

API for representing Duration values and experimental API for measuring time intervals.

API for representing Duration values and experimental API for measuring time intervals.


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An abstract class used to implement time sources that return their readings as Double values in the specified unit.

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An abstract class used to implement time sources that return their readings as Long values in the specified unit.

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A time source that has programmatically updatable readings. It is useful as a predictable source of time in tests.

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data class TimedValue<T>(val value: T, val duration: Duration)

Data class representing a result of executing an action, along with the duration of elapsed time interval.

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abstract class TimeMark

Represents a time point notched on a particular TimeSource. Remains bound to the time source it was taken from and allows querying for the duration of time elapsed from that point (see the function elapsedNow).

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A source of time for measuring time intervals.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of days.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of days.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of days.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of hours.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of hours.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of hours.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of microseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of microseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of microseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of milliseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of milliseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of milliseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of minutes.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of minutes.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of minutes.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of nanoseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of nanoseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of nanoseconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Double number of seconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Int number of seconds.

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Returns a Duration equal to this Long number of seconds.

Since Kotlin 1.3


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inline operator fun TimeMark.compareTo(other: TimeMark): Int
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inline fun measureTime(block: () -> Unit): Duration

Executes the given function block and returns the duration of elapsed time interval.

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Executes the given function block and returns the duration of elapsed time interval.

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inline fun <T> measureTimedValue(block: () -> T): TimedValue<T>

Executes the given function block and returns an instance of TimedValue class, containing both the result of the function execution and the duration of elapsed time interval.

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Executes the given block and returns an instance of TimedValue class, containing both the result of function execution and the duration of elapsed time interval.

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inline operator fun TimeMark.minus(other: TimeMark): Duration
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