
expect fun <T> Array<T>.fill(element: T, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun ByteArray.fill(element: Byte, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun ShortArray.fill(element: Short, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun IntArray.fill(element: Int, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun LongArray.fill(element: Long, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun FloatArray.fill(element: Float, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun DoubleArray.fill(element: Double, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun BooleanArray.fill(element: Boolean, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)
expect fun CharArray.fill(element: Char, fromIndex: Int = 0, toIndex: Int = size)(source)

Fills this array or its subrange with the specified element value.

Since Kotlin




the start of the range (inclusive) to fill, 0 by default.


the end of the range (exclusive) to fill, size of this array by default.


if fromIndex is less than zero or toIndex is greater than the size of this array.