
Deprecated (with error)

This exception type is not supposed to be thrown or caught in common code and will be removed from kotlin-stdlib-common soon.

Since Kotlin



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expect constructor()
expect constructor(message: String?)
expect constructor(message: String?, cause: Throwable?)
expect constructor(cause: Throwable?)


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open val cause: Throwable?
Since Kotlin 1.0
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open val message: String?
Since Kotlin 1.0
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Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack trace pertaining to this throwable.

Since Kotlin 1.0


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actual inline fun Throwable.printStackTrace()

Prints the detailed description of this throwable to the standard error output.

Since Kotlin 1.0

Prints the detailed description of this throwable to the specified stream.

Since Kotlin 1.0

Prints the detailed description of this throwable to the specified writer.

Since Kotlin 1.0