
expect class Regex(source)(source)

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actual class Regex : Serializable(source)(source)

Represents a compiled regular expression. Provides functions to match strings in text with a pattern, replace the found occurrences and split text around matches.

For pattern syntax reference see Pattern.

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expect constructor(pattern: String)
expect constructor(pattern: String, option: RegexOption)
expect constructor(pattern: String, options: Set<RegexOption>)
actual constructor(pattern: String)

Creates a regular expression from the specified pattern string and the default options.

actual constructor(pattern: String, option: RegexOption)

Creates a regular expression from the specified pattern string and the specified single option.

actual constructor(pattern: String, options: Set<RegexOption>)

Creates a regular expression from the specified pattern string and the specified set of options.


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expect object Companion
actual object Companion
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expect val options: Set<RegexOption>
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actual val options: Set<RegexOption>

The set of options that were used to create this regular expression.

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expect val pattern: String
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actual val pattern: String

The pattern string of this regular expression.

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Indicates whether the regular expression can find at least one match in the specified input.

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expect fun find(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): MatchResult?
actual fun find(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): MatchResult?

Returns the first match of a regular expression in the input, beginning at the specified startIndex.

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expect fun findAll(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): Sequence<MatchResult>
actual fun findAll(input: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0): Sequence<MatchResult>

Returns a sequence of all occurrences of a regular expression within the input string, beginning at the specified startIndex.

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expect fun matchEntire(input: CharSequence): MatchResult?
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actual fun matchEntire(input: CharSequence): MatchResult?

Attempts to match the entire input CharSequence against the pattern.

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expect infix fun matches(input: CharSequence): Boolean
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actual infix fun matches(input: CharSequence): Boolean

Indicates whether the regular expression matches the entire input.

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expect fun replace(input: CharSequence, transform: (MatchResult) -> CharSequence): String
expect fun replace(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String
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actual fun replace(input: CharSequence, transform: (MatchResult) -> CharSequence): String

Replaces all occurrences of this regular expression in the specified input string with the result of the given function transform that takes MatchResult and returns a string to be used as a replacement for that match.

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actual fun replace(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String

Replaces all occurrences of this regular expression in the specified input string with specified replacement expression.

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expect fun replaceFirst(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String
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actual fun replaceFirst(input: CharSequence, replacement: String): String

Replaces the first occurrence of this regular expression in the specified input string with specified replacement expression.

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expect fun split(input: CharSequence, limit: Int = 0): List<String>
actual fun split(input: CharSequence, limit: Int = 0): List<String>

Splits the input CharSequence to a list of strings around matches of this regular expression.

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Returns an instance of Pattern with the same pattern string and options as this instance of Regex has.

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open override fun toString(): String

Returns the string representation of this regular expression, namely the pattern of this regular expression.

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