
Link copied to clipboard


Link copied to clipboard
abstract val caches: CacheStorage
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract val caches: CacheStorage
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
open var onerror: (dynamic, String, Int, Int, Any?) -> dynamic?
Since Kotlin 1.1
open var onerror: (JsAny?, String, Int, Int, JsAny?) -> JsAny??
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open var onlanguagechange: (Event) -> dynamic?
Since Kotlin 1.1
open var onlanguagechange: (Event) -> Unit?
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open var onoffline: (Event) -> dynamic?
Since Kotlin 1.1
open var onoffline: (Event) -> Unit?
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open var ononline: (Event) -> dynamic?
Since Kotlin 1.1
open var ononline: (Event) -> Unit?
Since Kotlin 1.8
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open var onrejectionhandled: (Event) -> dynamic?
Since Kotlin 1.1
open var onrejectionhandled: (Event) -> Unit?
Since Kotlin 1.8
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Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
abstract val origin: String
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract val origin: String
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract val performance: Performance
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract val performance: Performance
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8


Link copied to clipboard
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: Boolean)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: AddEventListenerOptions)
fun addEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: Boolean)
Since Kotlin 1.8
Link copied to clipboard
abstract fun atob(data: String): String
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun atob(data: String): String
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun btoa(data: String): String
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun btoa(data: String): String
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun clearInterval(handle: Int = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun clearInterval(handle: Int = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun clearTimeout(handle: Int = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun clearTimeout(handle: Int = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
abstract fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, sx: Int, sy: Int, sw: Int, sh: Int, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
abstract fun createImageBitmap(image: ImageBitmapSource, sx: Int, sy: Int, sw: Int, sh: Int, options: ImageBitmapOptions = definedExternally): Promise<ImageBitmap>
Since Kotlin 1.8
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Since Kotlin 1.1
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun fetch(input: dynamic, init: RequestInit = definedExternally): Promise<Response>
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun fetch(input: String, init: RequestInit = definedExternally): Promise<Response>
abstract fun fetch(input: Request, init: RequestInit = definedExternally): Promise<Response>
Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun importScripts(vararg urls: String)
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun importScripts(vararg urls: String)
Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: dynamic = definedExternally)
Since Kotlin 1.1
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: Boolean)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: (Event) -> Unit?, options: EventListenerOptions)
fun removeEventListener(type: String, callback: EventListener?, options: Boolean)
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun setInterval(handler: dynamic, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: Any?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun setInterval(handler: () -> JsAny?, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: JsAny?): Int
abstract fun setInterval(handler: String, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: JsAny?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.8
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abstract fun setTimeout(handler: dynamic, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: Any?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.1
abstract fun setTimeout(handler: () -> JsAny?, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: JsAny?): Int
abstract fun setTimeout(handler: String, timeout: Int = definedExternally, vararg arguments: JsAny?): Int
Since Kotlin 1.8
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For a Dynamic value caught in JS, returns the corresponding Throwable if it was thrown from Kotlin, or null otherwise.

Since Kotlin 1.8
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fun <T : JsAny> JsAny.unsafeCast(): T

Cast JsAny to other Js type without runtime check

Since Kotlin 1.8