
expect open override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin

actual open override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin

open override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin

actual open external override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin

actual open inline override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin

actual open inline override fun toShort(): Short(source)

Converts this Long value to Short.

If this value is in Short.MIN_VALUE..Short.MAX_VALUE, the resulting Short value represents the same numerical value as this Long.

The resulting Short value is represented by the least significant 16 bits of this Long value.

Since Kotlin
