Encodes bytes from the specified source array or its subrange and writes resulting symbols into the destination array. Returns the number of symbols written.
Whether the encoding result is padded with '='
depends on the PaddingOption set for this Base64 instance.
Since Kotlin
the number of symbols written into destination array.
the array to encode bytes from.
the array to write symbols into.
the starting index in the destination array to write symbols to, 0 by default.
the beginning (inclusive) of the subrange to encode, 0 by default.
the end (exclusive) of the subrange to encode, size of the source array by default.
when the resulting symbols don't fit into the destination array starting at the specified destinationOffset, or when that index is out of the destination array indices range.
when startIndex > endIndex
import kotlin.io.encoding.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() {
val data = byteArrayOf(-1, 0, -2, 0, -3)
val outputBuffer = ByteArray(1024)
var bufferPosition = 0
// encode data into buffer using Base64 encoding
// and keep track of the number of bytes written
bufferPosition += Base64.encodeIntoByteArray(data, outputBuffer)
println(outputBuffer.decodeToString(endIndex = bufferPosition)) // /wD+AP0=
outputBuffer[bufferPosition++] = '|'.code.toByte()
// encode data subrange to the buffer, writing it from the given offset
bufferPosition += Base64.encodeIntoByteArray(
destination = outputBuffer,
destinationOffset = bufferPosition,
startIndex = 1,
endIndex = 3
println(outputBuffer.decodeToString(endIndex = bufferPosition)) // /wD+AP0=|AP4=