
expect constructor()(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap.

expect constructor(initialCapacity: Int)(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap with the specified initial capacity.

Capacity is the maximum number of entries the map is able to store in current internal data structure. When the map gets full by a certain default load factor, its capacity is expanded, which usually leads to rebuild of the internal data structure.



the initial capacity of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


expect constructor(initialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Float)(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap with the specified initial capacity and load factor.

Capacity is the maximum number of entries the map is able to store in current internal data structure. Load factor is the measure of how full the map is allowed to get in relation to its capacity before the capacity is expanded, which usually leads to rebuild of the internal data structure.



the initial capacity of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


the load factor of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


if initialCapacity is negative or loadFactor is non-positive.

expect constructor(original: Map<out K, V>)(source)

Creates a new LinkedHashMap filled with the contents of the specified original map.

The iteration order of entries in the created map is the same as in the original map.

actual constructor()(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap.

actual constructor(initialCapacity: Int)(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap with the specified initial capacity.

Capacity is the maximum number of entries the map is able to store in current internal data structure. When the map gets full by a certain default load factor, its capacity is expanded, which usually leads to rebuild of the internal data structure.



the initial capacity of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


actual constructor(initialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Float)(source)

Creates a new empty LinkedHashMap with the specified initial capacity and load factor.

Capacity is the maximum number of entries the map is able to store in current internal data structure. Load factor is the measure of how full the map is allowed to get in relation to its capacity before the capacity is expanded, which usually leads to rebuild of the internal data structure.



the initial capacity of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


the load factor of the created map. Note that the argument is just a hint for the implementation and can be ignored.


if initialCapacity is negative or loadFactor is non-positive.

actual constructor(original: Map<out K, V>)(source)

Creates a new LinkedHashMap filled with the contents of the specified original map.

The iteration order of entries in the created map is the same as in the original map.