
Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Byte number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Short number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Int number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Long number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Int number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Long number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin

actual inline fun Int.takeLowestOneBit(): Int(source)

Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Int number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


actual inline fun Long.takeLowestOneBit(): Long(source)

Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Long number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Int number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin


Returns a number having a single bit set in the position of the least significant set bit of this Long number, or zero, if this number is zero.

Since Kotlin
