
Class representing JSON primitive value. JSON primitives include numbers, strings, booleans and special null value JsonNull.



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Returns content of current element as boolean

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Returns content of current element as boolean or null if current element is not a valid representation of boolean

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abstract val content: String

Content of given element without quotes. For JsonNull, this method returns a "null" string. JsonPrimitive.contentOrNull should be used for JsonNull to get a null.

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Content of the given element without quotes or null if current element is JsonNull

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Returns content of current element as double

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Returns content of current element as double or null if current element is not a valid representation of number

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Returns content of current element as float

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Returns content of current element as float or null if current element is not a valid representation of number

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Returns content of the current element as int

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Returns content of the current element as int or null if current element is not a valid representation of number

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abstract val isString: Boolean

Indicates whether the primitive was explicitly constructed from String and whether it should be serialized as one. E.g. JsonPrimitive("42") is represented by a string, while JsonPrimitive(42) is not. These primitives will be serialized as 42 and "42" respectively.

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Convenience method to get current element as JsonArray

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Convenience method to get current element as JsonNull

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Convenience method to get current element as JsonObject

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Convenience method to get current element as JsonPrimitive

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Returns content of current element as long

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Returns content of current element as long or null if current element is not a valid representation of number


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open override fun toString(): String