Package-level declarations

Basic concepts of encoding and decoding of serialized data.


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A skeleton implementation of both Decoder and CompositeDecoder that can be used for simple formats and for testability purpose. Most of the decode* methods have default implementation that delegates decodeValue(value: Any) as TargetType. See Decoder documentation for information about each particular decode* method.

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A skeleton implementation of both Encoder and CompositeEncoder that can be used for simple formats and for testability purpose. Most of the encode* methods have default implementation that delegates encodeValue(value: Any). See Encoder documentation for information about each particular encode* method.

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This interface indicates that decoder supports consuming large strings by chunks via consumeChunk method. Currently, only streaming json decoder implements this interface. Please note that this interface is only applicable to streaming decoders. That means that it is not possible to use some JsonTreeDecoder features like polymorphism with this interface.

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CompositeDecoder is a part of decoding process that is bound to a particular structured part of the serialized form, described by the serial descriptor passed to Decoder.beginStructure.

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CompositeEncoder is a part of encoding process that is bound to a particular structured part of the serialized form, described by the serial descriptor passed to Encoder.beginStructure.

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interface Decoder

Decoder is a core deserialization primitive that encapsulates the knowledge of the underlying format and an underlying storage, exposing only structural methods to the deserializer, making it completely format-agnostic. Deserialization process takes a decoder and asks him for a sequence of primitive elements, defined by a deserializer serial form, while decoder knows how to retrieve these primitive elements from an actual format representations.

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interface Encoder

Encoder is a core serialization primitive that encapsulates the knowledge of the underlying format and its storage, exposing only structural methods to the serializer, making it completely format-agnostic. Serialization process transforms a single value into the sequence of its primitive elements, also called its serial form, while encoding transforms these primitive elements into an actual format representation: JSON string, ProtoBuf ByteArray, in-memory map representation etc.


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inline fun <T> Decoder.decodeStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, crossinline block: CompositeDecoder.() -> T): T

Begins a structure, decodes it using the given block, ends it and returns decoded element.

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inline fun Encoder.encodeCollection(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, collectionSize: Int, crossinline block: CompositeEncoder.() -> Unit)

Begins a collection, encodes it using the given block and ends it.

inline fun <E> Encoder.encodeCollection(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, collection: Collection<E>, crossinline block: CompositeEncoder.(index: Int, E) -> Unit)

Begins a collection, calls block with each item and ends the collections.

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inline fun Encoder.encodeStructure(descriptor: SerialDescriptor, crossinline block: CompositeEncoder.() -> Unit)

Begins a structure, encodes it using the given block and ends it.