
Builder of the Cbor instance provided by Cbor factory function.


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Specifies whether to always use the compact ByteString encoding when serializing or deserializing byte arrays. By default, Kotlin ByteArray instances are encoded as major type 4. When major type 2 is desired, then the @ByteString annotation can be used on a case-by-case basis. The alwaysUseByteString configuration switch allows for globally preferring major type 2 without needing to annotate every ByteArray in a class hierarchy.

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Specifies whether default values of Kotlin properties should be encoded.

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Specifies whether tags set using the KeyTags annotation should be written. CBOR allows for optionally defining tags for properties and their values. When this switch is set to true tags on CBOR map keys (i.e. properties) are encoded into the resulting byte string to transport additional information. See RFC 8949 Tagging of Items for more info.

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Specifies whether tags set using the ObjectTags annotation should be written. When this switch is set to true , it is possible to directly declare classes to always be tagged. This then applies to isolated objects of such a tagged class being serialized and to objects of such a class used as values in a list, but also or when they are used as a property in another class. Forcing objects to always be tagged in such a manner is accomplished by the ObjectTags annotation, which works just as ValueTags, but for class definitions. When serializing, object tags will always be encoded directly before to the data of the tagged object, i.e. a value-tagged property of an object-tagged type will have the value tags preceding the object tags. Well-known tags are specified in CborTag. See RFC 8949 Tagging of Items for more info.

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Specifies whether tags set using the ValueTags annotation should be written. CBOR allows for optionally defining tags for properties and their values. When this switch is set to true, tags on CBOR map values (i.e. the values of properties and map entries) are encoded into the resulting byte string to transport additional information. Well-known tags are specified in CborTag. See RFC 8949 Tagging of Items for more info.

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Specifies whether encounters of unknown properties in the input CBOR should be ignored instead of throwing SerializationException. false by default.

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Specifies whether to serialize element labels (i.e. Long from CborLabel) instead of the element names (i.e. String from SerialName). CBOR supports keys of all types which work just as SerialNames. COSE restricts this again to strings and numbers and calls these restricted map keys labels. String labels can be assigned by using @SerialName, while number labels can be assigned using the CborLabel annotation. The preferCborLabelsOverNames configuration switch can be used to prefer number labels over SerialNames in case both are present for a property. This duality allows for compact representation of a type when serialized to CBOR, while keeping expressive diagnostic names when serializing to JSON.

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Module with contextual and polymorphic serializers to be used in the resulting Cbor instance.

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Specifies whether the definite length encoding should be used (as required for COSE, for example). CBOR supports two encodings for maps and arrays: definite and indefinite length encoding. kotlinx.serialization defaults to the latter, which means that a map's or array's number of elements is not encoded, but instead a terminating byte is appended after the last element. Definite length encoding, on the other hand, omits this terminating byte, but instead prepends number of elements to the contents of a map or array. This configuration switch allows for toggling between the two modes of encoding.

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Specifies whether tags preceding map keys (i.e. properties) should be matched against the KeyTags annotation during the deserialization process. CBOR allows for optionally defining tags for properties and their values. When the encodeKeyTags switch is set to true tags on CBOR map keys (i.e. properties) are encoded into the resulting byte string to transport additional information. Setting verifyKeyTags to true forces strict verification of such tags during deserialization. I.e. tags must be present on all properties of a class annotated with KeyTags in the CBOR byte stream in full and in order. See RFC 8949 Tagging of Items for more info.

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Specifies whether tags preceding values should be matched against the ObjectTags annotation during the deserialization process. ObjectTags are applied when serializing classes tagged using this annotation. This applies to isolated objects of such a class and properties, whose values are of such a tagged class. verifyValueTags and verifyObjectTags can be toggled independently. Hence, it is possible to only partially verify tags on values (if only one such configuration switch is set to true). ValueTags precede ObjectTags in the CBOR byte stream. Well-known tags are specified in CborTag.

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Specifies whether tags preceding values should be matched against the ValueTags annotation during the deserialization process. CBOR allows for optionally defining tags for properties and their values. When encodeValueTags is set to true, tags on CBOR map values (i.e. the values of properties and map entries) are encoded into the resulting byte string to transport additional information. Setting verifyValueTags to true forces verification of such tags during deserialization. I.e. tags must be present on all values annotated with ValueTags in the CBOR byte stream in full and in order. See also verifyObjectTags, since a value may have both kinds of tags. ValueTags precede ObjectTags in the CBOR byte stream. verifyValueTags and verifyObjectTags can be toggled independently. Well-known tags are specified in CborTag.