Defines elements in a CoroutineContext that are installed into the thread context every time the coroutine with this element in the context is resumed on a thread.
Implementations of this interface define a type S of the thread-local state that they need to store upon resuming a coroutine and restore later upon suspension. The infrastructure provides the corresponding storage.
Example usage looks like this:
// Appends "name" of a coroutine to a current thread name when coroutine is executed
class CoroutineName(val name: String) : ThreadContextElement<String> {
// declare companion object for a key of this element in coroutine context
companion object Key : CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineName>
// provide the key of the corresponding context element
override val key: CoroutineContext.Key<CoroutineName>
get() = Key
// this is invoked before coroutine is resumed on current thread
override fun updateThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext): String {
val previousName = Thread.currentThread().name
Thread.currentThread().name = "$previousName # $name"
return previousName
// this is invoked after coroutine has suspended on current thread
override fun restoreThreadContext(context: CoroutineContext, oldState: String) {
Thread.currentThread().name = oldState
// Usage
launch(Dispatchers.Main + CoroutineName("Progress bar coroutine")) { ... }
Every time this coroutine is resumed on a thread, UI thread name is updated to "UI thread original name # Progress bar coroutine" and the thread name is restored to the original one when this coroutine suspends.
To use ThreadLocal variable within the coroutine use ThreadLocal.asContextElement function.
Reentrancy and thread-safety
Correct implementations of this interface must expect that calls to restoreThreadContext may happen in parallel to the subsequent updateThreadContext and restoreThreadContext operations. See CopyableThreadContextElement for advanced interleaving details.
All implementations of ThreadContextElement should be thread-safe and guard their internal mutable state within an element accordingly.
Restores context of the current thread. This function is invoked after the coroutine in the specified context is suspended in the current thread if updateThreadContext was previously invoked on resume of this coroutine. The value of oldState is the result of the previous invocation of updateThreadContext and it should be restored in the thread-local state by this function. This method should handle its own exceptions and do not rethrow it. Thrown exceptions will leave coroutine which context is updated in an undefined state and may crash an application.
Updates context of the current thread. This function is invoked before the coroutine in the specified context is resumed in the current thread when the context of the coroutine this element. The result of this function is the old value of the thread-local state that will be passed to restoreThreadContext. This method should handle its own exceptions and do not rethrow it. Thrown exceptions will leave coroutine which context is updated in an undefined state and may crash an application.