
Supplies a stream of bytes. RawSource is a base interface for kotlinx-io data suppliers.

The interface should be implemented to read data from wherever it's located: from the network, storage, or a buffer in memory. Sources may be layered to transform supplied data, such as to decompress, decrypt, or remove protocol framing.

Most applications shouldn't operate on a raw source directly, but rather on a buffered Source which is both more efficient and more convenient. Use buffered to wrap any raw source with a buffer.

Implementors should abstain from throwing exceptions other than those that are documented for RawSource methods.

Thread-safety guarantees

RawSource implementations are not required to be thread safe. However, if an implementation provides some thread safety guarantees, it is recommended to explicitly document them.


import kotlinx.io.*
import kotlin.test.*

fun main() { 
 * Source decrypting all the data read from the downstream using RC4 algorithm.
 * See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RC4 for more information about the cypher.
 * Implementation of RC4 stream cypher based on http://cypherpunks.venona.com/archive/1994/09/msg00304.html
class RC4DecryptingSource(private val downstream: RawSource, key: String): RawSource {
    private val buffer = Buffer()
    private val key = RC4Key(key)

    override fun readAtMostTo(sink: Buffer, byteCount: Long): Long {
        val bytesRead = downstream.readAtMostTo(buffer, byteCount)
        if (bytesRead == -1L) {
            return -1L

        while (!buffer.exhausted()) {
            val byte = buffer.readByte()

        return bytesRead

    override fun close() = downstream.close()

    private inner class RC4Key(key: String) {
        private var keyState: UByteArray
        private var keyX: Int = 0
        private var keyY: Int = 0

        init {
            require(key.isNotEmpty()) { "Key could not be empty" }
            val keyBytes = key.encodeToByteArray()
            keyState = UByteArray(256) { it.toUByte() }
            var index1 = 0
            var index2 = 0

            for (idx in keyState.indices) {
                index2 = (keyBytes[index1] + keyState[idx].toInt() + index2) % 256
                swapStateBytes(idx, index2)
                index1 = (index1 + 1) % keyBytes.size

        fun nextByte(): Byte {
            keyX = (keyX + 1) % 256
            keyY = (keyState[keyX].toInt() + keyY) % 256
            swapStateBytes(keyX, keyY)
            val idx = (keyState[keyX] + keyState[keyY]) % 256U
            return keyState[idx.toInt()].toByte()

        private fun swapStateBytes(x: Int, y: Int) {
            val tmp = keyState[x]
            keyState[x] = keyState[y]
            keyState[y] = tmp

val key = "key"
val source = Buffer().also { it.write(byteArrayOf(0x58, 0x09, 0x57, 0x9fU.toByte(), 0x41, 0xfbU.toByte())) }
val rc4Source = RC4DecryptingSource(source, key).buffered()

assertEquals("Secret", rc4Source.readString()) 



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Returns a new source that buffers reads from the source. The returned source will perform bulk reads into its in-memory buffer. Use this wherever you read a source to get ergonomic and efficient access to data.

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abstract override fun close()

Closes this source and releases the resources held by this source. It is an error to read a closed source. It is safe to close a source more than once.

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abstract fun readAtMostTo(sink: Buffer, byteCount: Long): Long

Removes at least 1, and up to byteCount bytes from this source and appends them to sink. Returns the number of bytes read, or -1 if this source is exhausted.