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An immutable wrapper around a byte sequence providing String like functionality.

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class ByteStringBuilder(initialCapacity: Int = 0)

A helper class facilitating ByteString construction.


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Returns the range of valid byte indices for this byte string.


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fun ByteStringBuilder.append(vararg bytes: Byte)

Appends bytes to this builder.

Appends unsigned byte to this builder.

Appends a byte string to this builder.

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Returns a new read-only heap ByteBuffer wrapping this ByteString's content.

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inline fun buildByteString(capacity: Int = 0, builderAction: ByteStringBuilder.() -> Unit): ByteString

Builds new byte string by populating newly created ByteStringBuilder initialized with the given capacity using provided builderAction and then converting it to ByteString.

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Returns an empty ByteString.

fun ByteString(vararg bytes: Byte): ByteString
fun ByteString(vararg bytes: UByte): ByteString

Wraps given bytes into a byte string.

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Returns true if the content of this byte string equals to the array.

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fun Base64.decode(source: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): ByteArray

Decodes symbols from the specified source byte string or its subrange. Returns a ByteArray containing the resulting bytes.

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fun Base64.decodeIntoByteArray(source: ByteString, destination: ByteArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): Int

Decodes symbols from the specified source byte string or its subrange and writes resulting bytes into the destination array. Returns the number of bytes written.

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fun Base64.decodeToByteString(source: ByteArray, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): ByteString
fun Base64.decodeToByteString(source: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): ByteString

Decodes symbols from the specified source byte string or its subrange. Returns a ByteString containing the resulting bytes.

fun Base64.decodeToByteString(source: CharSequence, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.length): ByteString

Decodes symbols from the specified source char sequence or its substring. Returns a ByteString containing the resulting bytes.

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Decodes content of a byte string into a string using UTF-8 encoding.

Decodes the content of a byte string to a string using given charset.

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fun Base64.encode(source: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): String

Encodes bytes from the specified source byte string or its subrange. Returns a string with the resulting symbols.

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fun Base64.encodeIntoByteArray(source: ByteString, destination: ByteArray, destinationOffset: Int = 0, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): Int

Encodes bytes from the specified source byte string or its subrange and writes resulting symbols into the destination array. Returns the number of symbols written.

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fun <A : Appendable> Base64.encodeToAppendable(source: ByteString, destination: A, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): A

Encodes bytes from the specified source byte string or its subrange and appends resulting symbols to the destination appendable. Returns the destination appendable.

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fun Base64.encodeToByteArray(source: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = source.size): ByteArray

Encodes bytes from the specified source byte string or its subrange. Returns a ByteArray containing the resulting symbols.

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Encodes a string into a byte sequence using UTF8-encoding and wraps it into a byte string.

Encodes a string into a byte string using charset.

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Returns true if this byte string ends with the suffix specified by the byteArray.

Returns true if this byte string ends with the suffix specified by the byteString.

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fun ByteBuffer.getByteString(length: Int = remaining()): ByteString

Reads length bytes of data from this ByteBuffer starting from the current position and wraps them into a new ByteString.

Reads length bytes of data from this ByteBuffer starting from at index and wraps them into a new ByteString.

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Parses bytes from this string using the specified HexFormat.

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fun ByteString.indexOf(byte: Byte, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this byte string of the first occurrence of the specified byte, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byte not found, -1 is returned.

fun ByteString.indexOf(byteArray: ByteArray, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this byte string of the first occurrence of the specified byteArray, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byteArray not found, -1 is returned.

fun ByteString.indexOf(byteString: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this byte string of the first occurrence of the specified byteString, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byteString not found, -1 is returned.

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Returns true if this byte string is empty.

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Returns true if this byte string is not empty.

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fun ByteString.lastIndexOf(byte: Byte, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this char sequence of the last occurrence of the specified byte, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byte not found, -1 is returned.

fun ByteString.lastIndexOf(byteArray: ByteArray, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this char sequence of the last occurrence of the specified byteArray, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byteArray not found, -1 is returned.

fun ByteString.lastIndexOf(byteString: ByteString, startIndex: Int = 0): Int

Returns the index within this char sequence of the last occurrence of the specified byteString, starting from the specified startIndex. If the byteString not found, -1 is returned.

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Writes string into this ByteBuffer starting from the current position.

Writes string into this ByteBuffer starting from position at.

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Returns true if this byte string starts with the prefix specified by the byteArray.

Returns true if this byte string starts with the prefix specified by the byteString.

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fun <Error class: unknown class>.toByteString(): ByteString

Returns a new ByteString holding data copied from this NSData.

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fun ByteString.toHexString(format: HexFormat = HexFormat.Default): String

Formats bytes in this byte string using the specified format.

fun ByteString.toHexString(startIndex: Int = 0, endIndex: Int = size, format: HexFormat = HexFormat.Default): String

Formats bytes in this byte string using the specified HexFormat.

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fun ByteString.toNSData(): <Error class: unknown class>

Returns a new NSData instance initialized with bytes copied from this ByteString.