Local Date
Constructs a LocalDate instance from the given date components.
The components monthNumber and dayOfMonth are 1-based.
The supported ranges of components:
year the range is platform-dependent, but at least is enough to represent dates of all instants between Instant.DISTANT_PAST and Instant.DISTANT_FUTURE
, the upper bound can be less, depending on the month
if any parameter is out of range or if dayOfMonth is invalid for the given monthNumber and year.
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() {
// Constructing a LocalDate value using its constructor
val date = LocalDate(2024, 4, 16)
check(date.year == 2024)
check(date.monthNumber == 4)
check(date.month == Month.APRIL)
check(date.dayOfMonth == 16)
Constructs a LocalDate instance from the given date components.
The supported ranges of components:
year the range is platform-dependent, but at least is enough to represent dates of all instants between Instant.DISTANT_PAST and Instant.DISTANT_FUTURE
month all values of the Month enum
, the upper bound can be less, depending on the month
if any parameter is out of range or if dayOfMonth is invalid for the given month and year.
import kotlinx.datetime.*
import kotlinx.datetime.format.*
import kotlin.random.*
import kotlin.test.*
fun main() {
// Constructing a LocalDate value using its constructor
val date = LocalDate(2024, Month.APRIL, 16)
check(date.year == 2024)
check(date.month == Month.APRIL)
check(date.dayOfMonth == 16)