
Functions specific to the datetime format builders containing the local-date fields.



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abstract fun date(format: DateTimeFormat<LocalDate>)

An existing DateTimeFormat for the date part.

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abstract fun dayOfMonth(padding: Padding = Padding.ZERO)

A day-of-month number, from 1 to 31.

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abstract fun dayOfWeek(names: DayOfWeekNames)

A day-of-week name (for example, "Thursday").

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abstract fun monthName(names: MonthNames)

A month name (for example, "January").

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abstract fun monthNumber(padding: Padding = Padding.ZERO)

A month-of-year number, from 1 to 12.

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abstract fun year(padding: Padding = Padding.ZERO)

A year number.

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abstract fun yearTwoDigits(baseYear: Int)

The last two digits of the ISO year.