Package-level declarations


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The AM/PM marker that indicates whether the hour in range 1..12 is before or after noon.

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A collection of datetime fields used specifically for parsing and formatting.

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sealed interface DateTimeFormat<T>

A format for parsing and formatting datetime-related values.

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sealed interface DateTimeFormatBuilder

Common functions for all format builders.

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class DayOfWeekNames(val names: List<String>)

A description of how the names of weekdays are formatted.

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Marks declarations in the datetime library that use format strings to define datetime formats.

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class MonthNames(val names: List<String>)

A description of how month names are formatted.

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The style of padding to use when formatting a value.


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fun <T : DateTimeFormatBuilder> T.alternativeParsing(vararg alternativeFormats: T.() -> Unit, primaryFormat: T.() -> Unit)

A format along with other ways to parse the same portion of the value.

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Appends a Unicode datetime format string to the DateTimeFormatBuilder.

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A literal character.

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Uses this format to format an unstructured DateTimeComponents.

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fun <T : DateTimeFormatBuilder> T.optional(ifZero: String = "", format: T.() -> Unit)

An optional section.

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Parses a DateTimeComponents from input using the given format. Equivalent to calling DateTimeFormat.parse on format with input.