
Provides factory methods to create a custom Kotlin compilation pipeline for the JVM platform.


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Creates a new instance of KaptExtensionConfig.

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Provides an instance of ProviderFactory.


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abstract fun addCompilerPluginDependency(dependency: Provider<Any>)

Adds a compiler plugin dependency to this project.

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Creates a new instance of KotlinJvmCompilerOptions that can be used to configure JVM or Android-specific compilations.

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Creates a new instance of KotlinAndroidExtension that can be used to configure Android compilation tasks.

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Creates a new instance of KotlinJvmExtension that can be used to configure JVM compilation tasks.

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Creates a new instance of KotlinJvmOptionsDeprecated that can be used to configure JVM or Android-specific compilations.

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Returns a FileCollection that contains the complete compiler plugins classpath for this project.

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Registers a new kapt stub generation task with the given taskName.

abstract fun registerKaptGenerateStubsTask(taskName: String, compileTask: TaskProvider<out KotlinJvmCompile>, kaptExtension: KaptExtensionConfig, explicitApiMode: Provider<ExplicitApiMode> = providerFactory.provider { ExplicitApiMode.Disabled }): TaskProvider<out KaptGenerateStubs>

Registers a new kapt generation task with the given taskName.

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abstract fun registerKaptTask(taskName: String): TaskProvider<out Kapt>
abstract fun registerKaptTask(taskName: String, kaptExtension: KaptExtensionConfig): TaskProvider<out Kapt>

Registers a new kapt task with the given taskName.

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Registers a new standalone Kotlin compilation task with the given taskName for the JVM platform.

abstract fun registerKotlinJvmCompileTask(taskName: String, moduleName: String): TaskProvider<out KotlinJvmCompile>
abstract fun registerKotlinJvmCompileTask(taskName: String, compilerOptions: KotlinJvmCompilerOptions = createCompilerJvmOptions(), explicitApiMode: Provider<ExplicitApiMode> = providerFactory.provider { ExplicitApiMode.Disabled }): TaskProvider<out KotlinJvmCompile>

Registers a new standalone Kotlin compilation task for the JVM platform.