Package-level declarations

Convenience extension functions for java.util.Optional to simplify Kotlin-Java interop.


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Returns a new sequence for this Optional's value if present, or otherwise an empty sequence. The returned set is serializable (JVM).

Since Kotlin 1.7
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fun <R, T : R & Any> Optional<T>.getOrDefault(defaultValue: R): R

Returns this Optional's value if present, or otherwise defaultValue.

Since Kotlin 1.7
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inline fun <R, T : R & Any> Optional<T>.getOrElse(defaultValue: () -> R): R

Returns this Optional's value if present, or otherwise the result of the defaultValue function.

Since Kotlin 1.7
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Returns this Optional's value if present, or otherwise null.

Since Kotlin 1.7
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Appends this Optional's value to the given destination collection if present.

Since Kotlin 1.7
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Returns a new read-only list of this Optional's value if present, or otherwise an empty list. The returned list is serializable (JVM).

Since Kotlin 1.7
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Returns a new read-only set of this Optional's value if present, or otherwise an empty set. The returned set is serializable (JVM).

Since Kotlin 1.7