Package-level declarations


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Gets a value indicating whether this node is an Element.

Since Kotlin 1.4
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Gets a value indicating whether this node is a TEXT_NODE or a CDATA_SECTION_NODE.

Since Kotlin 1.4


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fun Element.addClass(vararg cssClasses: String): Boolean

Adds CSS class to element. Has no effect if all specified classes are already in class attribute of the element

Since Kotlin 1.4
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fun Element.appendElement(name: String, init: Element.() -> Unit): Element

Appends a newly created element with the specified name to this element.

Since Kotlin 1.4
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Creates text node and append it to the element.

Since Kotlin 1.4
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fun Node.clear()

Removes all the children from this node.

Since Kotlin 1.4
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fun Document.createElement(name: String, init: Element.() -> Unit): Element

Creates a new element with the specified name.

Since Kotlin 1.4
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fun Element.hasClass(cssClass: String): Boolean

Returns true if the element has the given CSS class style in its 'class' attribute

Since Kotlin 1.4
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fun Element.removeClass(vararg cssClasses: String): Boolean

Removes all cssClasses from element. Has no effect if all specified classes are missing in class attribute of the element

Since Kotlin 1.4