Initializer function can be called several times on concurrent access to an uninitialized Lazy instance value, but only one computed value will be used as the value of a Lazy instance and will be visible by all threads.


import samples.assertPrints
import kotlin.concurrent.thread

fun main() { 
   class Answer(val value: Int, val computedBy: Thread = Thread.currentThread()) {
    override fun toString() = "Answer: $value, computed by: $computedBy"

val answer: Answer by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.PUBLICATION) {
    println("Computing the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything")

val t1 = thread(name = "#1") {
    println("Thread 1: $answer")

val t2 = thread(name = "#2") {
    println("Thread 2: $answer")

// It is **not** guaranteed that 'Computing' message will be printed once,
// but guaranteed that both threads will see 42 computed by *the same* thread as an answer


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