Kotlin Help


Kotlin supports object-oriented programming with classes and objects. Objects are useful for storing data in your program. Classes allow you to declare a set of characteristics for an object. When you create objects from a class, you can save time and effort because you don't have to declare these characteristics every time.

To declare a class, use the class keyword:

class Customer


Characteristics of a class's object can be declared in properties. You can declare properties for a class:

  • Within parentheses () after the class name.

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String)
  • Within the class body defined by curly braces {}.

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) { val category: String = "" }

We recommend that you declare properties as read-only (val) unless they need to be changed after an instance of the class is created.

You can declare properties without val or var within parentheses but these properties are not accessible after an instance has been created.

Just like with function parameters, class properties can have default values:

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String = "example@gmail.com") { val category: String = "work" }

Create instance

To create an object from a class, you declare a class instance using a constructor.

By default, Kotlin automatically creates a constructor with the parameters declared in the class header.

For example:

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main() { val contact = Contact(1, "mary@gmail.com") }

In the example:

  • Contact is a class.

  • contact is an instance of the Contact class.

  • id and email are properties.

  • id and email are used with the default constructor to create contact.

Kotlin classes can have many constructors, including ones that you define yourself. To learn more about how to declare multiple constructors, see Constructors.

Access properties

To access a property of an instance, write the name of the property after the instance name appended with a period .:

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) fun main() { val contact = Contact(1, "mary@gmail.com") // Prints the value of the property: email println(contact.email) // mary@gmail.com // Updates the value of the property: email contact.email = "jane@gmail.com" // Prints the new value of the property: email println(contact.email) // jane@gmail.com }

Member functions

In addition to declaring properties as part of an object's characteristics, you can also define an object's behavior with member functions.

In Kotlin, member functions must be declared within the class body. To call a member function on an instance, write the function name after the instance name appended with a period .. For example:

class Contact(val id: Int, var email: String) { fun printId() { println(id) } } fun main() { val contact = Contact(1, "mary@gmail.com") // Calls member function printId() contact.printId() // 1 }

Data classes

Kotlin has data classes which are particularly useful for storing data. Data classes have the same functionality as classes, but they come automatically with additional member functions. These member functions allow you to easily print the instance to readable output, compare instances of a class, copy instances, and more. As these functions are automatically available, you don't have to spend time writing the same boilerplate code for each of your classes.

To declare a data class, use the keyword data:

data class User(val name: String, val id: Int)

The most useful predefined member functions of data classes are:




Prints a readable string of the class instance and its properties.

.equals() or ==

Compares instances of a class.


Creates a class instance by copying another, potentially with some different properties.

See the following sections for examples of how to use each function:

To print a readable string of a class instance, you can explicitly call the .toString() function, or use print functions (println() and print()) which automatically call .toString() for you:

data class User(val name: String, val id: Int) fun main() { //sampleStart val user = User("Alex", 1) // Automatically uses toString() function so that output is easy to read println(user) // User(name=Alex, id=1) //sampleEnd }

This is particularly useful when debugging or creating logs.

Compare instances

To compare data class instances, use the equality operator ==:

data class User(val name: String, val id: Int) fun main() { //sampleStart val user = User("Alex", 1) val secondUser = User("Alex", 1) val thirdUser = User("Max", 2) // Compares user to second user println("user == secondUser: ${user == secondUser}") // user == secondUser: true // Compares user to third user println("user == thirdUser: ${user == thirdUser}") // user == thirdUser: false //sampleEnd }

Copy instance

To create an exact copy of a data class instance, call the .copy() function on the instance.

To create a copy of a data class instance and change some properties, call the .copy() function on the instance and add replacement values for properties as function parameters.

For example:

data class User(val name: String, val id: Int) fun main() { //sampleStart val user = User("Alex", 1) val secondUser = User("Alex", 1) val thirdUser = User("Max", 2) // Creates an exact copy of user println(user.copy()) // User(name=Alex, id=1) // Creates a copy of user with name: "Max" println(user.copy("Max")) // User(name=Max, id=1) // Creates a copy of user with id: 3 println(user.copy(id = 3)) // User(name=Alex, id=3) //sampleEnd }

Creating a copy of an instance is safer than modifying the original instance because any code that relies on the original instance isn't affected by the copy and what you do with it.

For more information about data classes, see Data classes.

The last chapter of this tour is about Kotlin's null safety.


Exercise 1

Define a data class Employee with two properties: one for a name, and another for a salary. Make sure that the property for salary is mutable, otherwise you won’t get a salary boost at the end of the year! The main function demonstrates how you can use this data class.

// Write your code here fun main() { val emp = Employee("Mary", 20) println(emp) emp.salary += 10 println(emp) }
data class Employee(val name: String, var salary: Int) fun main() { val emp = Employee("Mary", 20) println(emp) emp.salary += 10 println(emp) }

Exercise 2

To test your code, you need a generator that can create random employees. Define a class with a fixed list of potential names (inside the class body), and that is configured by a minimum and maximum salary (inside the class header). Once again, the main function demonstrates how you can use this class.


Lists have an extension function called .random() that returns a random item within a list.


Random.nextInt(from = ..., until = ...) gives you a random Int number within specified limits.

import kotlin.random.Random data class Employee(val name: String, var salary: Int) // Write your code here fun main() { val empGen = RandomEmployeeGenerator(10, 30) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) empGen.minSalary = 50 empGen.maxSalary = 100 println(empGen.generateEmployee()) }
import kotlin.random.Random data class Employee(val name: String, var salary: Int) class RandomEmployeeGenerator(var minSalary: Int, var maxSalary: Int) { val names = listOf("John", "Mary", "Ann", "Paul", "Jack", "Elizabeth") fun generateEmployee() = Employee(names.random(), Random.nextInt(from = minSalary, until = maxSalary)) } fun main() { val empGen = RandomEmployeeGenerator(10, 30) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) println(empGen.generateEmployee()) empGen.minSalary = 50 empGen.maxSalary = 100 println(empGen.generateEmployee()) }

Next step

Null safety

Last modified: 27 May 2024