Kotlin Help

Basic types

Every variable and data structure in Kotlin has a type. Types are important because they tell the compiler what you are allowed to do with that variable or data structure. In other words, what functions and properties it has.

In the last chapter, Kotlin was able to tell in the previous example that customers has type Int. Kotlin's ability to infer the type is called type inference. customers is assigned an integer value. From this, Kotlin infers that customers has a numerical type Int. As a result, the compiler knows that you can perform arithmetic operations with customers:

fun main() { //sampleStart var customers = 10 // Some customers leave the queue customers = 8 customers = customers + 3 // Example of addition: 11 customers += 7 // Example of addition: 18 customers -= 3 // Example of subtraction: 15 customers *= 2 // Example of multiplication: 30 customers /= 3 // Example of division: 10 println(customers) // 10 //sampleEnd }

In total, Kotlin has the following basic types:


Basic types

Example code


Byte, Short, Int, Long

val year: Int = 2020

Unsigned integers

UByte, UShort, UInt, ULong

val score: UInt = 100u

Floating-point numbers

Float, Double

val currentTemp: Float = 24.5f, val price: Double = 19.99



val isEnabled: Boolean = true



val separator: Char = ','



val message: String = "Hello, world!"

For more information on basic types and their properties, see Basic types.

With this knowledge, you can declare variables and initialize them later. Kotlin can manage this as long as variables are initialized before the first read.

To declare a variable without initializing it, specify its type with :. For example:

fun main() { //sampleStart // Variable declared without initialization val d: Int // Variable initialized d = 3 // Variable explicitly typed and initialized val e: String = "hello" // Variables can be read because they have been initialized println(d) // 3 println(e) // hello //sampleEnd }

If you don't initialize a variable before it is read, you see an error:

fun main() { //sampleStart // Variable declared without initialization val d: Int // Triggers an error println(d) // Variable 'd' must be initialized //sampleEnd }

Now that you know how to declare basic types, it's time to learn about collections.



Explicitly declare the correct type for each variable:

fun main() { val a: Int = 1000 val b = "log message" val c = 3.14 val d = 100_000_000_000_000 val e = false val f = '\n' }
fun main() { val a: Int = 1000 val b: String = "log message" val c: Double = 3.14 val d: Long = 100_000_000_000_000 val e: Boolean = false val f: Char = '\n' }

Next step


Last modified: 25 September 2024