Kotlin Help


Characters are represented by the type Char. Character literals go in single quotes: '1'.

Special characters start from an escaping backslash \. The following escape sequences are supported:

  • \t – tab

  • \b – backspace

  • \n – new line (LF)

  • \r – carriage return (CR)

  • \' – single quotation mark

  • \" – double quotation mark

  • \\ – backslash

  • \$ – dollar sign

To encode any other character, use the Unicode escape sequence syntax: '\uFF00'.

fun main() { //sampleStart val aChar: Char = 'a' println(aChar) println('\n') // Prints an extra newline character println('\uFF00') //sampleEnd }

If a value of character variable is a digit, you can explicitly convert it to an Int number using the digitToInt() function.

Last modified: 25 September 2024