

Use `TestScope` in combination with `runTest` instead.Please see the migration guide for details: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/blob/master/kotlinx-coroutines-test/MIGRATION.md

A scope which provides detailed control over the execution of coroutines for tests.

This scope is deprecated in favor of TestScope. Please see the migration guide for an instruction on how to update the code for the new API.


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The delay-skipping scheduler used by the test dispatchers running the code in this scope.

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List of uncaught coroutine exceptions, for backward compatibility.


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Advances the testScheduler by delayTimeMillis and runs the tasks up to that moment (inclusive).

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Advances the testScheduler to the point where there are no tasks remaining.

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Called after the test completes.

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Convenience method for calling runBlockingTest on an existing TestCoroutineScope.

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Run any tasks that are pending at the current virtual time, according to the testScheduler.

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fun TestCoroutineScope.runTest(dispatchTimeoutMs: Long = DEFAULT_DISPATCH_TIMEOUT_MS, block: suspend TestCoroutineScope.() -> Unit): TestResult

Runs a test in a TestCoroutineScope based on this one.